harry osborn is the son of norman osborn, founder of oscorp who passed the mantle down to his son at his passing. harry is a notable public figure, most known for his business tactics as well as his involvement with messy scandals. harry is by no means a scientist like his father but he handles business just as well.
HARRY OSBORN (b. circa 1980s) was born in new york city to norman and emily osborn. his parents were very loving towards one another but shortly after harry's birth, his father became engulfed in his work, leading his mother to walk out and take harry with her. shortly after, when harry was just 5, emily passed away from a rare sickness called oshtoran syndrome and harry was given back to the care of norman. throughout his childhood, he was pushed to be better than good and never really had any meaningful moments with his father. he became dependent on himself and his two closest friends, mary jane watson and peter parker. harry developed some substance abuse issues as he grew older but kept it hidden for the most part, covering it up with partying and staying out at night. a year after he'd graduated high school, norman fell ill and he learned the truth of his father's alter ego, the goblin. not long after came norman's death due to his body beginning to reject the goblin serum he'd taken years prior. harry's life quickly turned for the worse, and on top of that he learned about peter's double life as spider-man, which worried him sick and the metaphorical and literal distance caused he and peter to grow apart. harry grew up to become the powerful ceo of oscorp, then came marrying some celebrity woman as soon as he was done college, not long before getting his first divorce. he wasn't interested in settling down—he was interested in the image, and his second wife was interested in the money. he had two kids with her before divorcing her and being the cover story of the daily bugle's gossip section for years. he sees his kids as much as he's able to but life is a vicious cycle and he becomes more like his father every day, consumed by work and self wallowing. he knows he needs to improve his ways, he wants to better himself for his kids to be more present in their lives so he doesn't make the same mistakes his father did.